1. I am able to receive emails but I am unable to send them
Please check through your Outgoing Server settings to ensure they match the following:
Outgoing Server Port: 587
Use SSL: Auto (or None)
Use Secure Password Authentication (SPA): Unticked
Outgoing Server Port: 587
Use SSL: Unticked / Greyed out
2. I am receiving an SSL warning whenever I open up my email client
Please check through your email settings to ensure that the following true in both your incoming and outgoing email settings:
Use SSL: None
Use SSL: Unticked / Greyed Out
I have received a “Quota Almost Full” message / I have received reports that my mailbox is full
In order to resolve this issue, you will need to either:
- Remove any old emails that are no longer required from the mailbox. This will involve deleting emails and permanently deleting them from the “Deleted Items” or “Trash” folder, or setting up and “AutoArchive” to download and save emails directly on to your device.
- Increase your mailbox storage capacity. In order to do this, please contact us directly and we will be assist further with this. Please note, however, that there will be an additional annual charge each time a mailbox is upgraded.
I have a new device that I need to setup my emails on, and require the email settings in order to do this
Generally speaking, you will be able to use the following settings to connect to your mailbox:
Email Settings
Server Type: IMAP
Incoming mail server: mail.domain.co.uk*
Incoming server port: 143
Username: Your Email Address
Password: Your Email Password
Encryption Method: Auto (or none if this does not work)
Use Secure Password Authentication (SPA): Unticked
Outgoing mail server: mail.domain.co.uk*^
Outgoing server port: 587
Username: Your Email Address
Password: Your Email Password
Encryption Method: Auto (or none if this does not work)
Use Secure Password Authentication (SPA): Unticked
*You will need to replace “domain.co.uk” with the domain name of your website.
^If you are unable to send emails whilst using “mail.domain.co.uk”, please try changing this to “smtp.domain.co.uk” instead.
If you are unable to connect via the above email settings, please contact us and we may be able to provide an alternate email server for you to use.
If you are unsure of your password, please contact us and we will be able to reset this and provide you with a new email password to use.
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